Artists / Vitebsk State University

Vitebsk State university named after P.M. Masherov is the oldest higher educational institution in the republic of Belarus. It’s famous for its main traditions in training professionals. The history of our higher educational institution dates back to the year of 1910, when the Ministry of Peoples Education of Russia decided to set up a Teacher-training Institute in Vitebsk. It was the first educational establishment of such a type on the territory of modern Belarus.
A new page in the history of the Institute was opened after the October revolution. In May, 1918 an all-Russia Congress of Representatives of Teacher-training Institutes was held. It made a decision to reform Teacher-training Institutes into higher educational establishments. So in October 1, 1918 Vitebsk Teacher-training Institute was renamed into Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute. It became the first higher educational establishment of Belarus after the October revolution of 1917 and the first higher teacher-training establishment of Belarus.
The temporary occupation of the territory of Belarus by fascist invaders stopped the activity of the Institute. After the liberation of Vitebsk from German invaders the Institute resumed its work on October 2, 1944. The same faculties that had existed before the war resumed their work. In September 1, 1995 Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute named after S.M. Kirov was granted the status of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov.

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Kulenenok Lilia
Vitebsk, Byelorussia
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