Artists / Penza Art College

Penza Art College was founded in 1898 by Penza governor N. Seliverstov and his friend P.Semenov-Tanshanski. First and most important director of this Institute was artist-academic Konstantin Savitsky which name college has now. Savitsky organised the study process following the system of art education of St-Petersburg academy of art. Teachers and stuedents of this college were such well known russian artists like: Gorushkin-Sorokopudov, V.Tatlin, A.Lentulov, V.Volkov, P.Korovin, H.Grandkovsky, K.Klodt, K.Zhukov, O.Kaiser and many others.

Maslova Ludmila
St.Petersburg, Russia
Mukhaev Maxim
Moscow, Russia
Nepyanov Victor
Penza, Russia
Sofronov Victor
Vladimir, Russia
Nepyanova Natalia
Penza, Russia
Karpenko Yuri
Volgograd, Russia
Romashina Natalya
St.Petersburg, Russia
Pentyuh Vladimir
Penza, Russia
Kuznetsov Alexei
St.Petersburg, Russia
Papko  Valentin
Krasnodar, Russia
Popov Anatoly
Moscow, Russia
Belikov Vasilij
Penza, Russia
Nagornov Vladimir
Cheboksary, Russia
Matveeva Anastasiya
St.Petersburg, Russia
Lobov Anton
Moscow, Russia
Korol Svetlana
Penza, Russia