Artists / Galimov Azat

Galimov Azat
St.Petersburg, Russia

Total artworks: 88

Views: 395325

Galimov Azat, born in 1958, 6th of August in Kazan.
Lives and works in St.-Petersburg
In 1986 to graduate from Saint-Petersburg State ART-Industrial Academy, SPGHPA (Former Art-Industrial School named after V.I. Muhina).
Member of the Russian Artists Union.
Member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and arts.

Follower of the Realistic school of Art. Works a lot and very actively. The main bias of the artist is towards urban landscape. Here the painter’s talent uncovers itself most brilliantly. Regardless of the city and the country, Azat feels and conveys on the canvas all the notes of harmony, beauty and atmosphere of the place he works in. His landscapes are painted with great love and are filled with exceptional ease, realism and psychological insight. While travelling over the different countries of the world the artist makes numerous sketches and draws studies.

"Azat Galimov has achieved acknowledgeable artistic style through rethinking the experience of early 20th century Russian impressionism, with his fixed interest on transferring light-air environment and with keeping up with the materialistic touchability of visible world. Artist is creating in his landscapes accurate, solid image of the city. He is reviewing poetic parts of familiar Saint-Petersburg, which, for the author, are rather charming, warmly sincere, fulfilling and living at peace with nature and the citizens than solemn and strict. Other artistic themes - European, Mediterranean are astonishingly naturally associate clear, complete form, solid drawing and the moment of resemblance through nicely elaborated tonal range."
Ruslan Bahtiyarov,
Candidate of Art Criticism
Research Associate of The State Russian Museum.

He worked in Finland, Turkey, Montenegro, China, Bulgaria, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Cyprus, drew landscapes and portraits, participated in various exhibitions.